2019/5/4 The Beast Trail – race pack pickup & Virtual Challenge
- no need entry disclaimer
- please present your ID or passport
- please remember your BIB number: www.tbt.beast.run/participants
- if you pickup for friend please present her/his ID or copy of ID (photo in phone is enough)
- if you pickup for friend need remember notice their names and BIB numbers!!
- The full race pack pickup will be held on 10th and 11th May between 5pm to 9pm in Decathlon Taipei-Zhonghe Sport Club 3rd floor (新北市中和區中山路二段 228號)
- Store recommend take public Transportation – 【1. MRT Zhonghe Station】 (There is only one exit) Exit the station, turn right and walk for 3-5 minutes
- Free car parking only with Decathlon consumption invoice (200ntd one hour, 500ntd two hours, 800ntd for 3hours).
- In store is required wear mask!
- If waiting please wait in line with distance of 1.5m from others
- 完整的賽事物資請於5月10日至11日下午5點到晚上9點至Decathlon 迪卡儂(新北中和店 – 新北市中和區中山路二段 228號)領取 – 中和迪卡儂3樓運動社
- 在賣場內,全程需戴口罩。
- 建議選手搭乘大眾運輸工具 – 【1.捷運中和站】(只有一個出口) 出站右轉步行3-5分鐘
- 開車停車則依迪卡儂消費規定做折抵
- 請全程戴口罩
- 排隊領物資請間隔1.5公尺距離

The Beast Trail – VIRTUAL CHALLENGE 虛擬挑戰
- TBT trails are in very good shape, some runners already went challenge it.
- all information about VC: www.beast.run/VC/
- if you have any question related to VC please contact us
- there will be lucky draw for Patrons prizes for each course
2019/5/1 The Beast Trail – VIRTUAL CHALLENGE 虛擬挑戰
The Beast Trail – VIRTUAL CHALLENGE 虛擬挑戰
2019/4/29 TBT2020 cancellation mechanism & VIRTUAL CHALLENGE
(↓↓english below↓↓)
- 選項- Option A]
- 自動–無需採取任何行動
- 退還部分款項= [報名費+交通費]扣去[台幣1200元 賽事物資材料]
- 5月底前,款項將會匯入原付款帳戶
- 完整的賽事物資請於5月10日至11日下午5點到晚上9點至Decathlon 迪卡儂(新北中和店)領取
- (如果您需要郵寄賽事物資,請填寫表格,並再扣除台幣100元郵資費用)
- 選項- Option B]
- 可選–需要寫表格
- 參加虛擬挑戰 Virtual Challenge (VC)支持主辦單位(虛擬線上賽事,真真實實的挑戰),主辦單位將小幅修改賽道提供路徑檔作為虛擬賽事的賽道。
- 放棄部分退款(最低台幣400元),可以選擇加入VC。
- 放棄的任何金額換成優惠券可以至跑山獸電子商城eShop購買商品(最低400元台幣,超過800元台幣免運費)。
- 完整的賽事物資請於5月10日至11日下午5點到晚上9點至Decathlon 迪卡儂(新北中和店)領取。
- 您將透過email收到VC的邀請信及電子商城eShop的優惠卷
- 如果您選擇選項-B]或是需要郵寄賽事物資,請於2020年5月7日前填寫好表格。
連結跑山獸虛擬挑戰 Fill form to join VIRTUAL CHALLENGE:
虛擬挑戰 Virtual Challenge
- 入VC必需在沒有標記及補站支援的賽道上為自己負責。
- 為尊重當地居民,虛擬挑戰的起點/終點及起/終點附近路段將做修改,賽道將縮短,但最好及最具挑戰性的部分仍保留。
- 我們相信,您們當中有非常多為這次比賽努力訓練。 還有許多希望與夥伴一起挑戰野獸山徑的朋友。 儘管野獸山徑取消了,但VC是享受路線的最佳選擇。考量安全性我們鼓勵大家組隊或揪團參加,也可以邀程度相近的夥伴組隊激勵彼此挑戰極限。如果您沒有在山區自我導航的經驗,請不要加入VC。尤其是在台灣山羌和台灣野猪的路程中,我們鼓勵組隊或組團前往,必需裝備齊備,並且能在賽道上自行補給(自己背負,或是自行安排私補)。
- 虛擬挑戰的評分系統稍後會更詳細地說明。 最低要求是使用GPS設備及在不暫停活動的記錄下。 活動結束後,將GPX檔案上傳及URL連結到您的活動(Strava,Garmin Connect等),並填寫活動時間(如有必要,我們將根據GPX檔案進行修改),請在完成後的4天內提交及保持排名更新(我們會在每周四或周五更新排名)
- 野獸山徑虛擬挑戰將於2020年4月28日至6月15日這個期間舉行。
- 您可以選擇是否分享您的照片及活動紀錄到Release The Beast臉書群組,但我們非常希望可以看到。請在您的分享加上#releasethebeast #TBT #beastrunners
- 加入臉書群組: www.facebook.com/groups/beastrunners/
- 如果您參加了野獸山徑虛擬挑戰,您可以在選擇任何賽道挑戰,於任何時間進行嘗試,並且嘗試多次,不受限制。 您可以再次上傳更快的紀錄,我們將取最好的一次紀錄作為最終排名及用於抽獎。
- 野獸山徑台灣小鼯鼠(〜3km / 285m)
- 野獸山徑台灣獼猴(〜8.2km / 620m)
- 野獸山徑台灣山羌(〜18.5km / 1575m)
- 野獸山徑台灣野猪(〜40km / 3550m)
- 每位跑完賽道並上傳紀錄的參與者都能參加抽獎,將有機會獲得贊助商獎品(所羅門Salomon,博克多Bogoto,Fenix,澳摩油…等)。
- 最快速的跑者將分別獲得獎勵。
- 我們希望任何人(跑步者或登山健行者)都可以隨時免費完成並享受賽道。 但是,如果您希望加入虛擬挑戰,但先前沒有報名5月9日的活動,仍然可以報名虛擬挑戰。 最低報名費 400元台幣並將收到等值的跑山獸電子商城eshop優惠券。 (請在此處報名:…)
需連結跑山獸虛擬挑戰 Fill form to join VIRTUAL CHALLENGE:
TBT 野獸山徑虛擬挑戰地圖 Virtual Challenge MAP: tinyurl.com/TBTcourse
野獸山徑虛擬挑戰 Virtual Challenge GPX: tinyurl.com/TBTgpx
- 允許路程中安排朋友私補或於商店自行補給
- 路程必須用自己雙腳自始至終完成
- 如果您的GPX記錄有任何偏差或技術問題,請聯繫我們
The Beast Trail 2020 cancellation mechanism
Due to forced cancellation of The Beast Trail 2020 there are following options. Although there is not perfect compensation, we hope the following arrangement is fair. Cancellation mechanism:
- Option A]
- AUTOMATIC – no need any action
- Partial refund = [registration fee + transportation] minus [1200NTD race pack material]
- Partial refund on original account before end of May
- The full race pack pickup will be held 10th and 11th May in Decathlon Taipei-Zhonghe between 5pm to 9pm.
- (if you need send race pack via post you need fill up form as well, +100NTD)
- Option B]
- OPTIONAL – necessary fill up form
- Support organizers with option join Virtual Challenge (VC, but real challenge) on slightly modified courses.
- Waive part of partial refund (min. 400NTD) with the option of join VC.
- Any amount waived will be exchanged with Coupon to Beast eShop (min. 400NTD, but the amount above 800NTD will include free shipping).
- The full race pack pickup will be held on 10th and 11th May in Decathlon Taipei-Zhonghe.
- You will receive an invitation to VC and eShop Coupon via email.
- For option B] or sending race pack via post please fill following form BEFORE 7th May 2020:
Original TBT participants list partial refund amount can find here:
Fill form to join VIRTUAL CHALLENGE:
Notice: If you have any financial difficulties (lost job, single parent or similar) please feel free contact us via info@beast.run. We will be able to help and waive your part of the race pack cost and you can still join VC.
- Join VC only on your own responsibility on an unmarked and unsupported course.
- Due to respect of local citizens we modified the beginning and end of each course with virtual start in another location. Courses are now shorter, but the best and most challenging sections remain.
- We believe there are many of you who train hard for this race. And many of you who wish to challenge TBT with partners. VC is a great option to enjoy the course despite TBT was cancelled. We encourage completing courses in a team to increase safety or look for an equal partner to push limits together.
- Do not join VC if you do not have experience with self navigation in mountains. Especially on courses of Barking Deer and Wild Boar we encourage complete in group with all mandatory equipment and self-sufficiently.
- System of evaluation Virtual Challenge will be more specified soon. But the minimum requirement is to use a GPS device and record activity without pause of recording. After activity, upload GPX file and URL link to your activity (Strava, Garmin Connect,…) and fill up your time for course (if necessary we will revise based on GPX), attempt is necessary submit within 4 days after completion to keep ranking updated (we may update rank every Thursday or Friday).
- TBT Virtual Challenge will be held in the period of 28th April to 15th June 2020.
- Share your photo or your activity record to Release The Beast Facebook group is optional, but we will love to see it. Please add: #releasethebeast #TBT #beastrunners
- join FB group: www.facebook.com/groups/beastrunners/
- If you join TBT Virtual Challenge you can compete on any of course, any time, and unlimited number of attempts. You can upload a faster attempt again, only one and the best time will be taken to final ranking and lucky draw.
Available courses:
- TBT Flying Squirrel (~3km/285m)
- TBT Rock Macaque (~8.2km/620m)
- TBT Barking Deer (~18.5km/1575m)
- TBT Wild Boar (~40km/3550m)
- Every participant who completes a certain course will be in a lucky draw for sponsor prizes (Salomon, Bogoto, Fenix, Elmore Oil,…).
- TOP fast runners will be awarded separately.
- We hope anyone, runners or hikers, can complete and enjoy courses any time for free. But if you wish to join Virtual Challenge and did not originally sign up for the event on 9th May it is still possible to register Virtual Challenge. Registration fee is min. 400NTD with the same amount of coupon to Beast eshop. (Register possible here: coming soon…)
Fill form to join Virtual Challenge:
Link to Beast Virtual Challenges (coming soon):
TBT Virtual Challenge MAP: tinyurl.com/TBTcourse
TBT Virtual Challenge GPX: https://tinyurl.com/TBTgpx
Additional notice:
- It is allowed have support on course
- Course has to be complete on own feet from start to finish
- If you GPX record have any deviations or technical problem please contact us to consult it
更多的公佈會在此: www.TBT.beast.run/news
The Beast Trail 2020 event cancellation announcement
We are sad to announce cancellation of The Beast Trail 2020. The New Taipei City government believes that the Covid-19 epidemic is still severe and is concerned about the epidemic breach cause by gathering. It strongly recommends the cancellation or postpone of large-scale activities at this stage.
Considering that May is the most suitable season for The Beast Trail, there may be uncertainties such as typhoon and hot or rainy season. Therefore originally planned 9th and 10th May 2020 The Beast Trail is CANCELLED.
The following instructions related to cancellation will be announcement on official website as soon as possible. Although there is no perfect compensation, we will try do our best to deliver a fair arrangement for everyone. Thanks all runners for understanding and support. We wish you all strong health and pray to overcome this difficulty.
Next announcement will post here: www.TBT.beast.run/news

2019/4/16 TBT2020 will be held 9th and 10th May 2020
Situation in Taiwan with COVID-19 seems under control. There are no more cases of infection within Taiwan (except imported or quarantine). We will further observe situation. Official announcements of CDC can find here.
CDC recommendation for outdoor events to reduce risk and density of participants in venue and due time-consuming Mandatory Temperature Screening and sanitizing we decide held TBT2020 in two days as follows:
- TBT50 – start 3:30am 9th May 2020 Saturday!
- TBT25 elite – start 6:30am 9th May 2020 Saturday!
- TBT25 adventurer – start 7:00am 9th May 2020 Saturday!
- TBT 12km – start 7:45am 10th May 2020 SUNDAY!!!*
- TBT 4km – start 8:15am 10th May 2020 SUNDAY!!!!*

- For participants list and your record (include shuttle bus information) visit: www.tbt.beast.run/participants
- Forgot order shuttle BUS during registration? You can order now via eshop (seats limited):
- eshop.beast.run/product-category/event/TBT/
- we apologize for cancellation of bus from bus at 1:50am from Nangang and 2:15am from Xindian on Saturday, just 4 passengers, we will contact you for solution (refund or change to Main Station).
- schedule of morning buses did not change:
- SATURDAY: BUS at 2:00am Main Station, BUS at 5:00am Main Station,bus at 4:50am Nangang, bus at 5:15am Xindian (
bus from bus at 1:50am from Nangang and 2:15am from Xindian canceled) - SUNDAY: BUS at 5:00am Main Station, bus at 4:50am Nangang, bus at 5:15am Xindian
- SATURDAY: BUS at 2:00am Main Station, BUS at 5:00am Main Station,bus at 4:50am Nangang, bus at 5:15am Xindian (
- schedule back to Taipei will announce (3x bus on Saturday, 2x bus on Sunday)
- For strict safety measurements please read instruction below in section “2019/4/10 COVID-19”
如欲取消原日期為 2020 年 5月 9 日,新日期為 5 月10 日的「The Beast Trail 2020 12km」活動,請填寫此表單。如果您確定選擇取消參加,請務必在4月22日,11:59PM 之前填寫連結上的表單:https://forms.gle/TTjry2yYuPXkgX9Z9
Please use this form only if you want to cancel your registration for the The Beast Trail 2020 event (primary 12km), originally planned for May 9th, rescheduled to May 10th 2020.If you do choose to cancel your participation, you must respond by April 22nd, 11:59PM by filling out this form:https://forms.gle/TTjry2yYuPXkgX9Z9
- If any question please contact us only via info@beast.run . We hope drop of participants will not be significant and event on Sunday still can held.

2019/4/10 COVID-19
More announcement coming next week.
TBT2020 is still scheduled, but we need observe situation next week (especially end of next week).
We are discussing option of held:
TBT 50&25k on Saturday 9/5/2020
TBT 4&12k on Sunday 10/5/2020
This will reduce density of participants in venue. Not perfect but solution. If event cannot be held, it has to be canceled due busy schedule of Taiwan events in 4th quarter of 2020 and usual hot or rainy season in 3rd quarter. If canceled we will proceed partial refunds and race pack with finisher gifts will be possible pickup in new term. Keep updated.
Please read below safety measurement for TBT.
[English below]
當前疫情狀況是動態的,並且每天都在變化。「2020 The Beast Trail」將將盡所能地採取以下預防和控制措施,以確保參賽者、志願者和工作人員的健康與安全。此計劃根據台灣疾病控制中心(CDC)發布的有關公眾集會指南制定。
- 禁止任何海外人員參加活動。
- 若參加者在活動的前14天內有到過被認定為2級或3級旅遊警戒的國家或地區,禁止參與本賽事,並依規定向政府通報相關人員。
- 禁止當天額溫高達37.5度或以上的人員參加本賽事。
- 建議活動當天不要有家人或親友陪同。
- 在比賽開始前的一週,所有參賽者、工作人員和志願者必須進行自我觀察,如果發現類似感冒的症狀應留在家中。
- 所有乘坐公共交通工具參加活動的參加者必須沿途佩戴口罩。
- 所有參加者在進入會場之前都會進行額溫測量,任何達到37.5度或以上的人員將禁止進入會場。
- 所有參加者進入會場後應立即洗手或使用消毒劑。
- 建議不要與朋友握手,推薦使用瓦肯舉手禮(https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5vrXKlO2Jbw)
- 建議在比賽開始之前都配戴口罩,並保持其他參加者一定的距離。
事期間 – 檢查站
- Keep distance from other runners. By last study is recommended to keep distance of 5m during running.
- Wear BIB number on FRONT of BODY (record will be done manually in check Points or via RFID)
- 建議參賽者自備水和補給品。
- 加水站只能由配戴口罩和手套的工作人員操作。
- 補給品將採取能量棒和整個水果的形式,以最大程度減少人與食物的交互。
- 檢查站設備將定時消毒。
- 時間紀錄使用錄影和RFID完成,不會透過觸摸晶片。
- All runners must wear their bib on the front. It must be clearly visible for visual inspection. Runners should slow down at time checkpoints and especially at the finish line.
- additional: water in Check Points will serve from PET bottles, one 600ml bottle per runner and additional filling is possible from bigger bottles with assistance of volunteers. Please if you take bottle finish it and squeeze it.
賽後 – 比賽場地
- 所有參賽者都將收到比賽後的小禮包,其中包括獎牌,完賽禮和點心,主辦單位人員不會將獎牌掛在參賽者身上。
- 最後的時間紀錄將透過RFID和備份資料來完成,不會觸碰到參賽者。Wear BIB number on FRONT of BODY and slow down and stop shortly in finish line.
- 活動結束後,所有參賽者均應立即洗手或消毒雙手。
- 建議不要在活動結束後逗留賽場。
The Beast Trail and COVID-19
We understand and share the concerns of people around the world and specifically in Taiwan regarding the outbreak of the novel coronavirus. We are committed to the health and well-being of all of our participants and their families.
We also recognize that the situation is dynamic and evolves each day. To the greatest extent possible, The Beast Trail will be implementing the following preventive measures and controls to ensure the health and safety of our runners, race volunteers, and staff. This plan has been put in place in accordance with the guidelines published by the Center of Disease Control Taiwan with regards to large gatherings.
We continue to monitor the events on the ground and reserve the right to further modify these plans and if necessary take action that’s in-line with the health and safety of all involved.
Participant Restrictions
The following rules and restrictions are being applied to the participants, staff, and volunteers for the event.
- No overseas participants are allowed to participate in the event.
- No one who has traveled overseas to any of the countries identified as Level 2 or Level 3 threat within 14 days of the event are able to participate in the event. We will report any participants to the authorities who attempt to participate in the event despite having recently traveled to a threat area.
- No one who is shown to have a temperature reading of 37.5 forehead reading or higher will be allowed to participate in the event.
- We recommend runners do not bring family members to the event.
Race Pack Pickup
Participants and staff will wear masks during pack pickup.Participants should use the provided sanitizer prior to picking up their pack.Participants should try and come for pickup during non-peak hours (lunch or late evening) so that we try to keep congestion to a minimum.The finisher gift and medal will be included in the race pack at the time of pickup.Participants should bring a signed entry disclaimer: www.event.beast.run/waiver
Before Race (before entry to venue)
- In the week prior to race start, all race participants, staff and volunteers must conduct self observation and if show any flu like symptoms should stay home.
- All participants taking public transportation and buses to the event must wear masks on the way to the event.
- Everyone participating in the event will have their temperature measured prior to entering the venue. No one who is shown to have a temperature reading of 37.5 forehead reading or higher will be allowed to participate in the event.
- All participants should wash their hands or use sanitizer immediately after entering the venue.
- It is recommend not to shake hands with friends (Use Vulcan salute instead, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5vrXKlO2Jbw)
- It is recommend to wear a face mask before the race starts and keep distance between participants. It’s a long race there will be time to catch up to the leaders.
During The Run – Checkpoints
- Keep distance from other runners. By last study is recommended to keep distance of 5m during running.
- Wear BIB number on FRONT of BODY (record will be done manually in check Points or via RFID)
- It is recommended for runners to bring their own water supply and energy supply for the event.
- The water refilling stations will only be operated by dedicated servers wearing masks and gloves.
- Energy supplies will take the form of energy bars and whole fruit to minimize interaction with the food.
- Food serving stations will be sanitized often.
- Timing will not be done by touching chips, it will be done visually and through the use of RFID.
- All runners must wear their bib on the front. It must be clearly visible for visual inspection. Runners should slow down at time checkpoints and especially at the finish line.
- additional: water in Check Points will serve from PET bottles, one 600ml bottle per runner and additional filling is possible from bigger bottles with assistance of volunteers. Please if you take bottle finish it and squeeze it.
After the Run – Venue
- All runners will receive a post-race packet with their medal, finisher gift and snack already packed. Organizers will not be placing medals on individual runners.
- Timing at the finish will be done via RFID and by writing for backup. No touching of runners. Wear BIB number on FRONT of BODY and slow down and stop shortly in finish line.
- All runners should wash and or sanitize their hands immediately after the event.
- It is recommended not to linger after the event.
Non-eligible or Non-running Participants
For those participants who choose not to participate in the event, or who have been disallowed to participate due to travel restrictions, they will be eligible to pick up their race pack including post race gift during packet pickup.
date event 9/5/2020
registration will open in November for early birds
Spent some time to pick ITRA of runners who reach “late” cpA
We consider 8hours as safe time to manage TBT25, everything over 8
hours can turn to troubles as past years showed. This year were perfect
weather condition.
here is some statistic:
• most of runners with ITRA under 350 did finish over 8 hours
• most of runners with ITRA over 350 came to cpA before 10am
ITRA is not dogma, but only one factor which organizers may know about participants, about YOU. ITRA PI do not say how your perform in various weather condition (hot,humid, muddy) or how well enjoy technical course.
Many of you talk about unfair of cut time for ADVENTURER and ELITE. Cut time is for safety only, we don`t mind if you finish over cut time in finish line. But safety first.
However TBT25 cut time was not suppose be in cpA, but in WFR c. 1.3km before cpA. After this statistic we will change WFR cut time at 9:15am (in bad weather earlier) (for slow runners take 30~45minutes reach cpA from this point)
to keep safety and avoid trail jam we will set approximately:
ELITE – ITRA PI of 380+ start 6:30
ADVENTURER – ITRA PI of 330+ (350+ recommended) start 7:00
*if not any ITRA record need contact us as many runners did this year. Similar for Formosa Trail 40km, you need ITRA-1 or contact us.
**fast runners has to be sure sign up for ELITE, awards (top7) are based on ranking in finish, not ranking given by net racing time.
You love TBT or hate it, often both!
Future of classics TBT is not so bright. We have to do some course,
venue and logistic changes or not held TBT anymore. Lets hope we will
find way…

Results for your revision. Please contact us before 14/5/2019 if any error, not correct name, nationality,… After will generate certificates and ITRA upload.
INFO EMAIL 2019/4/29
The Beast Trail is coming 11/5/2019. Play hard but safe. Here are several points to remind you.
Copy of this email is here; please distribute it to your friends who may not receive it: www.TBT.beast.run/news
- Race Pack Pickup
- 8,9,10th May 2019 in Salomon store
- If you pickup for friend he or she need sign up entry disclaimer
- Please overseas let us your contactable number on Entry Disclaimer
- More instruction: https://www.tbt.beast.run/news/
- Mandatory Equipment
- Please note it is mandatory have GPS device with course for TBT50 and know how to get your current location coordinates, eg. 24.8305, 121.4839. This can be smart phone with app, please do not ask us how to use your device.
- Course information, map, gpx here: www.TBT.beast.run/course/
- Shuttle bus and parking
- If you have BIB in hand information is printed on BIB luggage attachment – show it in bus
- If you do not have BIB (usually overseas) – please find your BIB/name on list with volunteer front of shuttle bus
- Parking – please try share car, parking spaces are very limite. 100NTD
- More info here: www.TBT.beast.run/transportation/
- Bus back to Taipei will departure from venue at 1:30pm,2:30pm,4:30pm,6:30pm,8:00pm please present you BIB
- Accommodation in venue
- Cottages are full (please bring your sleeping bag)
- You can order space for your tent 800NTD up to 4 person in tent (need bring tent and sleeping bags)
- Book space for your tent here: http://www.shop.taiwanbeastrunners.com/product-category/race/tbt/
- Start times
- TBT50 – 3:30am
- TBT25 ELITE (white BIB) – 6:30am
- TBT25 ADVENTURER (blue BIB) – 7:00am
- TBT12 – 7:45am
- TBT4 – 8:00am
- It is NOT possible change distance during the run!!! Only Finish or DNF.
- We introduce new cut time at 9:45am in location under cpA (9km of TBT 25k) – 24.919 121.477. Please do not rush, it is plenty of time to reach this point if you have proper fitness. Withdraw from race (DNF) in cpA is more complicated and far from venue!
- TBT 50km has same cut times at 9:30am in cpB and 3pm in cpC. Shuttle bus for DNF in cpC will departure before 4pm! If you need go earlier please call taxi (address of venue is on map, for 50km map is attached to BIB).
- NEVER leave course out of Check Point. Please clearly announce that you DNF and wait for record (and cut chip/bib) in check point!
- In any need please contact +886 963-539346. Do not contact us on Facebook or email.
- Awards and ranking
- Finisher TBT dice and towel only for proper finisher, please pickup it in tent “Finisher Gift”. DNF may receive only towel.
- We decided do awards of TOP7 male/female in 12,25,50km.
- TBT25 is based on time of day crossing finish line for TOP7. But for overall ranking is taken clock time.
- If two person finish together (hand in hand) they share position (eg. 2x second place, 3rd skipped, 4th is next and it is up to them how they share prizes)
- You will receive ranking card right in finish and you have to be present for ceremony!
- For past results can visit: www.TBT.beast.run/results/
- Currently 9:45:00 is course record for TBT50 and 3:09:20 for TBT25
- Please follow your speed. If you feel not well slow down or stop. We have medic assistant in each check point and AED. And support of WFR on first climb under cpA, but still is too far and difficult provide first response quickly on these trail. Help each other is must!
- Another important details
- Storage – your BIB has bottom attachment, please mark your luggage
- Wear BIB number on front. Wear chip wristband on wrist on opposite arm of you watch
- NO cups in check points. NO dishes for food in finish. Please bring your own bowl. Warm food in cpC of TBT50, please take you bowl. Please ask if you have any diet restriction.
- Venue have shower facilities (and river)
- We do not recommend use poles for any of course
- Do not block fast runners or take photos in narrow areas.
- Have free hand during the run, you will need them.
- Do not litter on course and separate garbage in venue.
- Marking is done by PINK satin ribbon and RED with reflective stripe (for night sections). Additional arrows and split arrows (25/50km). There are not marshals on course. Rule of 2 minutes. If you do not see ribbons 2-3 minutes you may be in wrong trail.
- What else
- You may order Beast Runners apparel in eShop with 20% OFF with Coupon Code: BEAST20APPAREL
- Please pickup you Beast Loyalty orders, more about: http://www.beast.run/bl-orders-2018/
- FORMOSA TRAIL is open for Early bird till 30/4/2019 www.formosatrail.com
INFO EMAIL 2019/4/25
Personal pickup in SALOMON store in TAIPEI (個人領取-台北)
領取時間 Pickup Hours:
- 8th May 11am – 9pm
- 9th May 11am – 9pm
- 10th May 11am – 3pm
- 地點: Salomon信義旗艦門市 台北市大安區信義路三段130號(近捷運大安站或大安森林公園站) 02-6617-9135
- Address: Salomon Xin-Yi Brand Store No.130, Sec. 3, Xinyi Rd., Da’an Dist., Taipei City 106, Taiwan (Near MRT Daan Station and Daan Forest Park Station) 02-6617-9135
- Map 地圖: https://goo.gl/maps/CjQev4mC72G2
NOTICE 物資領取注意事項
- PARTICIPANTS LIST (Find Your BIB number and shuttle bus): https://www.tbt.beast.run/participants/
- 如果您無法親自到場領取,請列印參賽同意書並在上面簽名,並請朋友攜帶同意書代領取
- Cannot pickup race pack? Your friend can do for you. Please print out Entry Disclaimer, sign it and give to us during race pack pickup.
- 連結文件將於此 download Entry Disclaimer: http://www.event.beast.run/waiver
SALOMON gear recommendation
Salomon Sense系列野跑鞋腳感佳且輕量化,其中進階款的SENSE PRO 2特別適合長距離越野使用,低鞋跟落差腳感可更靈敏貼地,保持更有效的跑姿,前腳掌碳纖維彈性支撐片搭配濕地牽引型大底,適合潮濕、變化多、難度高的賽道地形。SENSE PRO 2將於Salomon信義建國門市提供跑者優惠價格,敬請期待!
Read more 更多產品產品推薦: https://www.starlike.com.tw/2019/04/02/the-beast-trail-salomon/