Course of TBT may slightly change, especially in first 5km (will announce)
Formosan Wild Boar
51km / 4100m D+ (ITRA-3 M, UTMB® qualification)
start 3:30am 9th May 2020
- This is option is for skilled runners who dare go beyond their limits. You can expect lot elevation and technical trails in this course.
- You have to be fully independent and carry everything what is necessary for stay in deep forest.
51km / 4100m D+ (ITRA-3 M, UTMB® qualification)
start 3:30am 9th May 2020
- 這是一個有經驗技術的選手想要挑戰超越自己的限制,此賽程有很大的高低起伏及技術性的山徑。
- 請注意這段50公里是最有挑戰的路段,必須確定體能狀況及技巧
- 避免惡劣天氣,CPB會嚴格執行關門時間,視天氣狀況,為安全理由,主辦單位有權利縮短關門時間,請選手務必遵行
IMPORTANT! ITRA 420 general Performance Index is minimum to join TBT50. Or be already finisher of TBT50 under 17hours. Or significant experience with similar or adventure races. Please contact us via email if any question or doubts. We wish increase safety of this event, thank you for understanding.
重要: 參加TBT50的跑者ITRA General PI至少要有420+; 或曾於17hr內完賽TBT50; 或有相似/冒險的重大賽事經驗. 若有任何問題或疑問, 請與我們聯繫。 我們希望增加活動的安全性,感謝您的理解。
- TBT50 Boar ( ITRA 420+ general performance index is minimum to join TBT50)*
- TBT50 Skilled Wild Boar (only finishers sub 15h59min in 2019 or 2018, or ITRA general PI600+)*
*same course, same start time, same rules. Just registration fee is favorable for experienced runners with TBT50.
- TBT50 Boar (參加TBT50的跑者ITRA gerenal PI 420+)*
- TBT50 Skilled Wild Boar (限2019/2018 TBT完賽者且完賽時間小於15:59; 或ITRA General PI至少要有600+)*
* 同賽道, 起跑時間一樣, 相同規則, 提供報名TBT50的優惠給有經驗的跑者。
- It is necessary input your ITRA record during registration (general PI and URL to personal ITRA record – find here for runners joining TBT50 or TBT25. For exceptions need contact us. Registration without ITRA or permission will automatically canceled and refund of registration fee minus 400NTD of administration fee.
- 參加TBT50或TBT25的跑者, 註冊時輸入您的ITRA紀錄是必須的(General PI及您個人的ITRA網址連結)。例外情形需與我們聯繫。註冊沒有ITRA or permission會被自動取消並會扣除400元(NTD)的行政費用。
Cut times
- cp-B 9:30am (optional redirect to finish 40km, but not results – DNF)
- cp-C 3pm (DNF)
- Shuttle bus for DNF in cpC will departure around 3:30pm! If you need go earlier please call taxi (address of venue is on map, for 50km map is attached to BIB).
- 17hours to finish – Most important is cut time in cpB on 24.5km, you have to reach it before 9:30am (6:00 hours after start)
- please note there is not more possible change to 40km in cpB distance and have results of 40km
- There is not possible change from 50km to 25km in cpA. In general this event do not allow any change of distance during the race day!
- Finisher
- <10h Black Boar and ton of glory
- <11h Black Boar
- 11-13h Golden Boar
- 13-15h Silver Boar
- 15-17h Bronze Boar
- 17h+ Dirty Boar and ton of pain
Formosan Barking Deer
25km / 1820m D+ (ITRA-1 XS, UTMB® qualification)
start 6:30am and 7:00am 9th May 2020
- If you have already experienced with trail running and wish try more this is for you.
- You have to be very independent in nature and carry all equipment as in Wild Boar course. It is very challenging and it will take you many hours to cover this course.
25km / 1820m D+ (ITRA-1 XS, UTMB® qualification)
start 6:30am and 7:00am 9th May 2020
- 如果您已經有很多跑越野山徑的經驗,並且希望可以嘗試更多,此賽程非常適合。
- 您必須在大自然非常獨立,並且攜帶充足的裝備(如同野豬賽程的選手)。
Cut times
- basically there is not possible DNF due difficult access to both check points, please consider your skills before sign up for TBT25.
- For safety reason there is Cut time at 9:30am in the middle of climb 1.3km under cpA (9km of TBT 25k) – 24.923 121.470. From this point you will be transfer back to venue, you may decide stop voluntarily before 9:30. Please do not rush, it is plenty of time to reach this point if you have proper fitness. Withdraw from race (DNF) in cpA is more complicated and far from venue! In case of bad weather (rain or too hot) may change time to 9:15am.
- Start in two waves will make TBT25 more smooth. The purpose is not make it more tough for TBT25 Adventurers to reach cut time, but make it more smooth. If you are healthy, train regularly and have statistically ITRA 300+ it should not be problem to finish the game. If you have any health issue please do not start.
TBT25 will start in TWO waves and you have to choose during registration:
- start 6:30am
- ITRA PI (General Performance Index) ITRA 380+ required
- start 7:00am
- ITRA PI (General Performance Index) ITRA 300+ required
- even your ITRA is higher can choose this category (eg. accompany friend with lower performance)
- *if not any ITRA record still having significant experience and fitness may contact us to get permitting to join, but <300 of ITRA PI are not allowed join TBT25
- It is necessary input your ITRA record during registration (general PI and URL to personal ITRA record – find here for runners joining TBT50 or TBT25. For exceptions need contact us. Registration without ITRA or permission will automatically canceled and refund of registration fee minus 400NTD of administration fee.
- 參加TBT50或TBT25的跑者, 註冊時輸入您的ITRA紀錄是必須的(General PI及您個人的ITRA網址連結)。例外情形需與我們聯繫。註冊沒有ITRA or permission會被自動取消並會扣除400元(NTD)的行政費用。
Formosan Rock Macaque
12km / 750m D+ (ITRA-0 XXS)
start 7:45am 10th May 2020 SUNDAY!!! (for more read here)
- Very nice trail in in betel nuts farms, nice forest with several challenging parts.
- It is very suitable for occasional runners or runner’s who would like gain experiences with trails.
12km / 750m D+ (ITRA-0 XXS)
start 7:45am 10th May 2020 SUNDAY!!!(for more read here)
- 此賽道為非常棒的檳榔樹徑,沒有很多技術難度的部份。
- 這是非常適合偶爾跑步的跑者,或是想要獲得更多山徑經驗的跑者。
Formosan Flying Squirrel
start 8:15am 10th May 2020 SUNDAY!!! (for more read here)
- Fun hike best for very beginners or kids with parents
- Include T-shirt, finisher medal,and meal for finisher
- Not timing of this category, only finishers.
- Kids younger than 10 years has to participate with one adult!
- agreement under age of 18 (please send to Download Parents Agreement
start 8:00 am 10th May 2020 SUNDAY!!! (for more read here)
- 健行活動或是針對越野跑初階者
- 包含T-Shirt及號碼布,完賽獎牌及飲料
- 沒有包含晶片及排行
- Kids younger than 10 years has to participate with one adult!
- agreement under age of 18 (please send to Download 未成年子女參賽同意書
The Beast Trail in Google Map
Open map here:
GPS device is mandatory equipment for
TBT50 GPS裝備必為強制性裝備
you can download .gpx files in two ways:
- download .gpx file for another devices as SUUNTO (upload easily via MOVESCOUNT) or smartphone app:
- directly upload to your GARMIN device from Beast Runners Garmin Connect:
- we recommended use Locus Free for Android devices (can download certain maps and upload .gpx or .kml track)
- simple elevation chart and map is also available (final map will be published few weeks before race)
Official marking on course
- Red ribbon with reflective stripe and PINK satin ribbons.
- Runner must stay on the marked course. Shortcuts are not permitted. If you get lost, please return to the last sighted marking.
- Please note that course will be marked prior to the race, there is still the possibility of markings being defaced or removed by vandals.